This Is Actually Why Most Etsy Shops Fail

There are a lot of reasons why shops fail on Etsy, but they all point back to just a single fatal flaw:

Shop owners are not prepared to compete at the level the highly competitive marketplace requires

I find this to be totally tragic. I have talked to so many Etsy sellers who are amazingly talented and are creating products that I know people want. But their shops fail. Why is that? The reason, is that they approach the platform intuitively instead of systematically.

Your intuition alone will not lead you to Etsy success.   

In fact, there’s a very good chance that your intuition will completely lead you astray when it comes to knowing how to publish a successful Etsy listing. That’s why I created a system to guide you thru the critical strategy necessary that does lead to Etsy success. I introduce this system in my introductory course, Etsy Launch, so that you would have a comprehensive roadmap to understand what the Etsy market truly demands, and how to deliver it on every level.  But I didn't just want to throw theory and ideas at you,

I wanted to take you by the hand and actually show you the exact system I use in my own business. 

I could think of no better way to do that than to let you peek behind the curtain of my business as I opened my latest Etsy shop, Heritage Sign Co.  So that's what I did.  I put my system to work, launched my new brand, Etsy shop and first listing and recorded the process so that you could see my system in action, understand the work ahead and be setup for success from the very beginning of your Etsy shop journey.

The Etsy market demands a lot, and quite frankly, if you’re not willing to do what it demands then I would rather see you sit it out. Because it’s painful to see sellers work hard on some aspects of their shop while completely neglecting other aspects that are required to succeed on Etsy in my experience.

Because sellers are intuitively setting up their shops and publishing their listings instead of getting educated about what the Etsy machine truly requires, they are making tons of mistakes that are otherwise very easy to correct.   I want to shout from the rooftops the corrections to these mistakes and misunderstandings that I see sellers making all the time:

Not truly understanding the algorithm

Missing their algorithmic advantages

Misnaming their items

Keyword guessing instead of researching and ranking

Not conducting market research

Working on their listings gradually and continually improving them

Working on too many listings at once

Believing more items = more sales

Failing to identify their biggest competition

Constantly tweaking of titles, tags and images

Treating their Etsy shop like their website

And on and on and on it goes.

The good news, is that there’s another way to approach the platform, and that is with a pre-launch plan in place that gives you the framework for everything you need to have inside of a successful listing, setup the right way from the very start. You can launch an Etsy shop that has a great chance of success by simply getting educated about how Etsy actually analyzes your listings and shop performance.

It’s not that it’s hard. It’s that it’s work. It’s preparation and strategy. It requires restraint from thinking things are “good enough” and pushing them to be the best that they can be. This is how you actually succeed on Etsy.  It isn't guesswork.  It's 100% strategy, and it starts well before you hit publish on your shop or your listing.